This is another review of an American whiskey, a Bourbon which I enjoyed recently in Hawaii. The bottle caught my eye from behind the bar (Don the Beachcomber) at the Hotel where we were staying in Kona on the Big Island. On a slight tangent these guys served up some really tasty burgers and made a beautiful coleslaw which I couldn't get enough of while of, looking forward to recreating it during the summer. I'm salivating just thinking about it. I had this whiskey in the early afternoon on a breezy day from a tumbler right by the ocean as you can see from the picture, while writing postcards to the folks back home!
I had heard of the name Michters before from listening to whisky-cast - a really good whisky related podcast. I had never seen it or had the chance to try it before, up until this point, so I grasped the nettle! Carpe Diem! and all that! and I'm glad I did.
Price: This is an expensive whiskey: I don't think I paid too much for it at the bar but over here in Oz it will set me back $120 a bottle by the looks of it, excluding Postage and packaging. Or I can get it by the half dozen for around $720 - what a steal! It is small batch though and bottled at 45.7% so 3/6.

Appearance: This whiskey looked alright, amber gold I'd say and I was drinking it in a beautiful setting on a beautiful day as you can see from my photo. How could I not love anything in that moment? 6/6
I had heard of the name Michters before from listening to whisky-cast - a really good whisky related podcast. I had never seen it or had the chance to try it before, up until this point, so I grasped the nettle! Carpe Diem! and all that! and I'm glad I did.
Price: This is an expensive whiskey: I don't think I paid too much for it at the bar but over here in Oz it will set me back $120 a bottle by the looks of it, excluding Postage and packaging. Or I can get it by the half dozen for around $720 - what a steal! It is small batch though and bottled at 45.7% so 3/6.

Appearance: This whiskey looked alright, amber gold I'd say and I was drinking it in a beautiful setting on a beautiful day as you can see from my photo. How could I not love anything in that moment? 6/6
Availability: Well it is small batch so it shouldn't be very available and it isn't! Not here in Melbourne anyway. I've never seen it in an airport, I can't walk to the shops and get it however I can get it online and I suspect if I went into a decent whiskey bar I'd probably be able to order a dram: 3/6
Marketing: Website tells a little about it and goes into the small batch stuff and how no more then 12 barrells typically go into a batch.There are some pretty slick videos on Youtube from the distillery, check out the link below, all good stuff: 6/6.
Packaging and Label: Nice and plain yet still eye catching from behind the bar. There's a little bit of historic "B.S" about a pre-war recipe - Americans love wars! Well some do, I'm pretty sure a lot don't, but they've become very good at making films about them: 4/6
Nose: Light nail varnish , solvent smell, a little citrus - orange peel maybe. I would really love to have this from a better glass sometime in the not too distant future but for now and based on how I enjoyed it i'm giving it 14/20
Taste on entry: Lovely light fruity entry with sweet grapefruit - very unusual in my experience but really nice stuff, not bitter, a little sweet wood spice in there too: 16/20

Finish: Medium to short and has a little wood spice and some orange - quiet pleasant; 15/20
all up this gets 74/100
If I can do simple addition,
This is a lovely whiskey! I'll have to check out more of their range if and when I get the chance, maybe a visit to some of Melbourne's better whiskey bars is in on the cards,
happy days!